September 28, 2017

Making Beautiful Once More

It was a rough two weeks trying to finish up the drywall in the bathroom, making it ready for Anita to tile when her and Elyce flew in on the 22nd. Every night for two weeks, any free time Jordan had was spent fixing and repairing. I was a full-time mama from first thing in the morning until 9:30 or 10 at night when the boys finally went to bed. At the end of it, Jordan said, "I haven't even seen my baby for a week!" He was excited to catch up on that cute chunky baby when he babysat because we had girl things planned while they were in town. Poor Anita thought she would have it tiled in half a day, but it took two FULL days of her working tirelessly and skipping meals to get the tile up. It looks amazing though. There is still a lot to be done in there and the tile still needs grouted but I can see a light at the end of the cockroach filled tunnel! 
Here is Oliver spiffed up and ready for church.
My beautiful sister with my beautiful boy! These two are some of my most favorite people in this whole wide world.

 Another favorite of mine is this little Edison! He is a dream!

 Seriously, such a happy guy. I love his big smiles that remind me of his dad's happy smiles and I can't wait for the big laughs that come with it.
Oliver loves his brother and enjoyed a snuggle session one day while I crafted.
{Edison's eyes are smoothly following me around the room these days.}
 My other favorite sister took Oliver to the Dino Museum again. This is one lucky kid to be spoiled so much by his aunts. They love him like he was theirs and I love them for it.
 Before the bathroom was sealed up, I walked into the bathroom {which I never, ever do because it's so terrifying to me} to get a measuring tape and looked in a corner and saw Godzilla. This was one fat lizard. He hasn't been seen since. Gulp!
 Along with following me around the room with his eyes, baby boy now bats at things with his fists. He gets so excited and makes the happiest little sounds while punching this little monkey and koala.
 Such determination!

 I smooch this face all day long!
 Okay, so here are the bathroom pics. Hardy backer (sp?)  going up - finally walls!!!
JJ helped Jordan all week because he is just that nice. This was the night before Anita got here, they were Red-Guarding it. This bathroom went from being done 100% wrong to being done 100% right.
 And because of Anita's seriously mad skills and immeasurable generosity - Voila!
Like I said, there is still a lot to do in there, but serious progress has been made. Now if it could just magically finish itself...that'd be great!
Tummy time for that little baby with a big head...
 During the last week of being a single mom {Jordan working hard on bathroom} I got my Halloween craft on to keep myself sane, I think. I came up with this little sign for Beth.
 And made us both one of these too.
 Ollie made me a paper guy - that I love!
 Then I made myself and Elyce some 'spooky' blocks similar to the ones Beth has that Elyce has always coveted. If you flip them around it says 'Give Thanks' - ready for Thanksgiving, but I didn't get a pic of that quite yet.
 Beth called one afternoon and asked if Ollie wanted to be a knight for Halloween. I asked him and he said, "YES!" She brought over the costume she saved from Goodwill and he totally digs it. 
 Alone with his thoughts...
Check out the height on that curl! Also, he is starring very intently at a shadow on the wall.
 His hair has gotten so long it's a little cray after he wakes up. Here he is channeling Jack Nicholson.
 There was a pool party while Elyce was here, because she hates the heat...thankfully, cooler weather rolled in and these two squirrels didn't last long before they got cold in the pool.

 This girl couldn't care less that it was a little chilly, she just wanted her nap time! So cute, Audders!

 A nice lunch to Spinatto's before A & E took off for home. 
I thought I had time to feed the hungry baby before we left, but I didn't. So grandma saved the day by squeezing her buns between these two cuties so Edison could eat.
"Jane" bought Edison these sweet Halloween jammies...

 We love us some Charlie Brown in this house!
 I think this baby is just the cutest...
 his big brother ain't not half bad either!
 Oliver loves school. He comes home with something awesome he made every day. Above is "Spaceman Oliver."
Today's newest trick included baby boy holding rattles and having a heck of a time.
I am grateful for the cooler weather, good family, my sweet boys, and having Jordan's time and attention back where it belongs - with us! Thanks so much Anita! We love & appreciate all you do for us!

1 comment:

Anna said...

What a cute baby! Cute boys! It makes me all the more anxious for our little one to come! This is Jordan's cousin btw. :)