Where I come from a park is more of a retention basin to collect run-off water than it is a park.
It is watered by irrigation with a tree scattered here or there. Good for a nice game of wiffle ball. Some of these so called "parks" have playground equipment & a basketball court, which make them a nice place to meet with friends & family.
That is what I was expecting to find when we entered "park" into our navigation & zig-zagged our way to the closest park. I was NOT expecting this...
Now I am confused on what constitutes a park. Is this what a park should look like or is what I described above what a park should look like? Who knows?
This park was definitely charming.
There was a very small dirt path winding through the grove of trees. A large field was located in one corner of the park & in the middle of the field was this bench.
I wonder how l o n g it has been there.
I like to think it was built in the late 1960's when it was dedicated to the Great MLK, & has been well preserved since [probably not], but I don't know about that either.
Then along the side of the field was this rustic birdhouse [I want one].
We had a pleasant walk around the park, but I cannot imagine a game of wiffle ball going on here. I wonder if all the parks in Austin are like this one.
There was a very small dirt path winding through the grove of trees. A large field was located in one corner of the park & in the middle of the field was this bench.
I like to think it was built in the late 1960's when it was dedicated to the Great MLK, & has been well preserved since [probably not], but I don't know about that either.
Then along the side of the field was this rustic birdhouse [I want one].
Love the birdhouse too! We'll have to get Dad to build us one! Hah! I love when you post a new blog so I can catch up on your adventures in Austin. I love the music with your blog as the sounds remind me of you and make me miss you even more! Love you!
I remember the first time we went to a park in Arizona... it was Usery Park and I was expecting grass and swings for my little ones and all there was was gravel and cacti! I was amazed! So the retention basins looked pretty good after that. Their favorite, however, was definitely Pioneer park when the real train engine and jet were there. I was glad to see photos of your apartment- cute pantry :}
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