February 14, 2014

Our Valentine's

Oh, my gosh,
 it has been COLD here! 
It would snow every other day and was overcast EVERY day. I was about to lose it! Some mornings we even had to bundle up INDOORS!

These two crazies were not happy about the weather either...

 {I threw CB in Ollie's crib just long enough to get a couple pictures. It was the first time and the last time the dog will be in my babies crib...but it made some cute pics.}
being stuck indoors for a month isn't for us.
 the SUN has come out! And now the weather is supposed to be absolutely lovely for as far as the forecast goes! Woo hoo! So onto Valentine's Day...we each have several very special Valentines this year:
Oliver & Rio
Cadbury & Mondo
Oliver & Me
Jordan & Cadbury
Jordan & Me
Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Briana Shepley said...

Ahhhh! Happy valentines day, guys!!